Saturday, May 2, 2009

Locked Jaw ;\

I never had a locked jaw before and i'm not wishing for it to happen! I've seen some people who experienced having a lock jaw. It's not good. I had a classmate before who had to run to the clinic from her seat in our classroom because she had a locked jaw while our teacher's discussing a lesson. She said it was painful. And it happened to her may times. :|

Last night, i was having a hard time yawning. I know it might sound a bit funny or something but seriously, i wouldn't be writing a blog about it if it didn't caught my attention. I mean, i hate it every time it happens. It's like i can't move on to do what i do or to sleep 'cause there's that feeling of something, not that i can't breathe, but the feeling that i need to yawn. It happened to me the past few mornights consecutively, but the one i experienced last night was different. I was so scared because while i was really trying hard to finally yawn myself to sleep, it felt like almost having a locked jaw! Seriously. :| It made yawning more difficult for me. I tried sitting up from bed thinking that it can help me to yawn easier. You can't imagine how I looked like in the situation. :| And then, suddenly, I finally made a yawn. Yey! :D haha :)) But, it happened again. :| And again. And again. :| It happened like four times maybe, i'm not sure. But I know it's not less than three times. :| Hahaha :)) Oh well. The good news is my jaw's perfectly fine! :D haha :)) Nothing very painful happened and it didn't locked! Whew! Thank God! :D


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