Body Pain. My lower body, especially my legs and thighs, hurts right now. I think it’s because of the jogging activity I had the other day. It happens after some physical activities that I get myself into. I guess I need to exercise more and stuff to be more fit! And to lose weight! Hahaha ;))
I’ve never really thought before of losing weight seriously and stuff. I just noticed that I’ve been growing—not getting taller, but growing in volume? Haha ;)) I think I’m arms, face, thighs and all are getting fat! Last late December, I’ve decided NOT TO EAT FRIES! As in French Fries! Especially in McDo. I don’t really like McDonalds' fries as much as KFC’s and Jollibee’s when we talk about fast food, especially when it’s not hot anymore. It’s just like a Frozen Fries. Hahaha ;)) Just an opinion. ;p J, my apo, knows about this—MY NO TO FRIES thing. Hehehe ;p
The first time I’ve eaten french fries was on Valentine’s day? ‘Cause Dianne and I was in Gateway, looking for a gift for my friend. And then, she did the ordering stuff at Burger King. She got a separate meal for us—meaning with the fries, not onion rings. And so, I ate my fries. I hesitated at first but I thought that it’s okay, after not having fries for almost one and half months? Achievement ba? Yes oh yes! ;D Hahaha ;))
I had some fries after that day. SOME, okay? ;)) ‘Cause one time, my kuya brought home some KFC fries! I love KFC FRIES! ;D I missed it and I’ve been wanting some midnight snacks.. and so, I ate it! Hahaha ;)) It only happened a FEW times. Promise. ;D
I didn’t had more fries than before. Back in high school and early college/first sem, I think, I usually order my usuaL McDo Meal with UpSized Fries. On the day I told J that I decided not to eat Fries anymore, I only ordered my usual McDo Meal—this time, WITHOUT the Fries. The one on the counter/ cashier asks me if I want to have the Meal instead most of the time. I resisted. Or sometimes, I include fries in my order and share it with the group. ;D Hehehe ;p
I’m still refraining from eating fries up to now. ;) I don’t think I’ll follow a diet-diet anymore. I haven’t really been into those diet-diet stuff. What I mean about diet-diet is the super a bit serious ones. Gets? Hahaha ;)) Basta, those South Beach Diet or some other else I was talking about. Basta! Those strict diets. Hehehe ;p
Anyway, I’ll end this entry here. The internet distracts me again. I get disconnected a few times and so, I can’t upload pictures. Maybe now, I can, but I decided not to because the internet might not work properly and will just make it “complicated” for me uploading hundreds of pictures. K.;p I’ll go back to work now, making my sched. I just hate saying that—”my sched” or “bLock namin/ niyo”. Tss.. K.bitter much? ;)) **SCHED MAKING TIME!!!* ;D ;)
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